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王梓, 2017年毕业于中国科学技术大学,物理学博士。2017年至今在合肥工业大学光电技术研究院工作。现任副研究员。多年来一直从事立体显示、计算全息等方面研究。以第一及通讯作者在Applied Physics LettersOptics LettersOptics Express等知名国际期刊上发表论文20余篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目。申请国家专利14项,已授权8项。









  1. Z. Wang, X. Zhang, G. Lv, Q. Feng, H. Ming, and A. Wang, "Hybrid holographic Maxwellian near-eye display based on spherical wave and plane wave reconstruction for augmented reality display," Opt. Express 29, 4927-4935 (2021)

  2. Z. Wang, L. M. Zhu, X. Zhang, P. Dai, G. Q. Lv, Q. B. Feng, A. T. Wang, and H. Ming, "Computer-generated photorealistic hologram using ray-wavefront conversion based on the additive compressive light field approach," Opt. Lett. 45(3), 615-618 (2020)

  3. Z. Wang, G. Lv, Q. Feng, A. Wang, and H. Ming, "Enhanced resolution of holographic stereograms by moving or diffusing a virtual pinhole array," Opt. Express 28, 22755-22766 (2020)

  4. Z. Wang, M. Xu, G. Lv, Q. Feng, A. Wang, and H. Ming, "Single frontal projection autostereoscopic three-dimensional display using a liquid crystal lens array," Opt. Express 28, 1621-1630 (2020)

  5. Z. Wang, G. Lv, Q. Feng, A. Wang, and H. Ming, Dual-view holographic stereogram 3D display based on integral imaging. Optics Communications, 454, 124482(2020).

  6. Z. Wang, G. Q. Lv, Q. B. Feng, A. T. Wang, and H. Ming, "Resolution priority holographic stereogram based on integral imaging with enhanced depth range," Opt. Express 27, 2689-2702 (2019)

  7. Z. Wang, G. Lv, Q. Feng, A. Wang, and H. Ming, "Highly efficient calculation method for computer-generated holographic stereogram using a lookup table," Appl. Opt. 58, A41-A47 (2019)

  8. Z. Wang, R. S. Chen, X. Zhang, G. Q. Lv, Q. B. Feng, Z. A. Hu, H. Ming, and A. T. Wang, “Resolution enhanced holographic stereogram based on integral imaging using moving array lenslet technique,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 113(22), 221109 (2018).

  9. Z. Wang, G. Lv, Q. Feng, A. Wang, and H. Ming, "Simple and fast calculation algorithm for computer-generated hologram based on integral imaging using look-up table," Opt. Express 26(10), 13322-13330 (2018).

  10. Z. Wang, G. Lv, Q. Feng, A. Wang, and H. Ming, A fast-direct pixel mapping algorithm for displaying orthoscopic 3D images with full control of display parameters. Optics Communications, 427, 528-534(2018).

  11. Z. Wang, P. Dai, G. Lv, Q. Feng, A. Wang, and H. Ming, Flat-panel see-through three-dimensional display based on integral imaging using a transparent polarized point light source array. IEEE Photonics Journal, 10(1), 1-7(2017).

  12. Z. Wang, A. Wang, X. Ma, F. Ma, and H. Ming, Resolution-enhanced integral imaging display using a dense point light source array. Optics Communications, 403, 110-114(2017).

  13. Z. Wang, A. Wang, X. Ma, B. Liu, F. Ma, and H. Ming, Integral floating 3-D display using two retro-reflector arrays. IEEE Photonics Journal, 9(2), 1-8(2017).

  14. Z. Wang, A. Wang, S. Wang, Y. Xing, Z. Deng, X. Ma, and H. Ming, High optical efficiency lensless 2d–3d convertible integral imaging display using an edge-lit light guide plate. Journal of Display Technology, 12(12), 1706-1709(2016).

  15. Z. Wang, A. Wang, S. Wang, X. Ma, and H. Ming, "Resolution-enhanced integral imaging using two micro-lens arrays with different focal lengths for capturing and display," Opt. Express 23, 28970-28977 (2015)




以第一发明人获得第47届日内瓦发明展铜奖。获2019 3D系统与应用国际会议最佳论文奖。