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1.国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目, 2019.01-2021.12,在研,主持

2.中国博士后科学基金第65批面上基金二等资助, 2019.07-2021.06,在研,主持

3.2019年合肥市留学回国人员创新创业扶持计划, 019.08-2021.12,在研,主持

4.2019年度博士后研究人员科研活动资助经费, 2019.10-2021.06,在研,主持


  1. P. Xu, M. Xu*, H. Lu, L. Qiu, “Polyvinyl chloride gels microlens array with a well-controlled curvature obtained by solvent evaporation under DC electric fields,” Opt. Express 28(20): 29285-29295, (2020).

  2. Z. Li, M. Xu*, H. Lu, Y. Ding, “A polyvinyl alcohol microlens with controlled curvature on discontinuous hydrophobic surface,” J. Molecular Liquids, 319(1): 114372-114378, (2020).

  3. Z. Li, H. Lu, Y. Ding, M. Xu*, “Low voltage liquid crystal microlens array based on polyvinyl alcohol convex induced vertically alignment,” Liq. Cryst. 48(2): 248-254, (2020).

  4. M. Xu, Z. Wang*, H. Lu, L. Qiu, “Polyvinyl chloride gel tunable lenticular microlens array with fast dynamic response,” Opt. Eng., 59(06):1, (2020).

  5. M. Xu*, Z. Zhou, Z. Wang, H. Lu, “Self-Assembled Microlens Array with Controllable Focal Length Formed on a Selective Wetting Surface,” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 12: 7826–7832, (2020).

  6. Z. Wang, M. Xu*, G. Lv, Q. Feng, A. Wang, H. Ming, “Single frontal projection autostereoscopic three-dimensional display using a liquid crystal lens array,” Opt. Express, 28(2), (2019).

  7. M. Xu, and H. Ren*, “Adaptive microlens array based on electrically charged polyvinyl chloride/dibutyl phthalate gel,” Opt. Engineering 55(9), 095104-5, (2016).

  8. M. Xu, B. Jin, R. He, and H. Ren*, “Adaptive lenticular microlens array based on voltage-induced waves at the surface of polyvinyl chloride/dibutyl phthalate gels,” Opt. Express, 24(8), 8142-8148, (2016).

  9. M. Xu, X. Wang, and H. Ren*, “Tunable focus liquid lens with radial-patterned electrode”, micromachines, 6, 1157-1165, (2015).

  10. M. Xu, H. Ren*, and Y-H Lin, “Electrically actuated liquid iris,” Opt. Letters, 40(5), 831-834, (2015).

  11. M. Xu, X. Wang, B. Jin and H. Ren*, “Infrared optical switch using a movable liquid droplet”, micromachines, 6,186-195, (2015).

  12. M. Xu, D. Xu, H. Ren*, I. Yoo and Q-H Wang, “An adaptive liquid lens with radial interdigitated electrode”, J. Optics, 16, 105601-7, (2014).

  13. M. Xu, H. Ren*, and M. Lee, “Optical switch based on shape-deformable liquids,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 52, 114101, (2013).

  14. M. Xu, Z. Zhou, H. Ren*, S. Lee and Q. Wang, “A microlens array based on polymer network liquid crystal”, J. Appl. Phys., 113, 053105, (2013).

  15. M. Xu, H. Ren*, C. Nah, S. Lee, and Y. Liu, “Liquid crystal micro-lenticular array assembled by a fringing field,” J. Appl. Phys., 111, 063104, (2012).

  16. M. Xu, K. Park, C. Nah, M. Lee, and H. Ren*, “Liquid crystal polarization converters using circular-buffed polystyrene film,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 50, 102205, (2011).